MWPC is a not-for-profit, volunteer based organization that acts as a unified body of the community leagues in MillWoods, The Meadows & Ellerslie, striving to make Southeast Edmonton a safe and supportive community to live, work and play.
The Payphones @ 7:10pm

Payphones showcases intricate vocal harmonies, bouncy, danceable acoustic accompaniment, and earnest, vulnerable lyrics about queer heartbreak, isolation, and personal growth. Payphones's music masquerades as nostalgic folk-rock faire at first listen - with a shuffling drumbeat, and the interplay of light and melodic piano with bright and percussive guitar strums. Frontperson Naomi Jichita’s stark verbiage, rock inspired wailing vocals, and overt lyrical focus on experiences of queerness and disability, add a modern edge to the familiar folk/roots framework. They released their debut studio album, Rioting Heart, in late 2022.